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Why Location Matters When Opening a Beauty Salon

The old adage applies to all matters of business, whether you’re opening a multi-national conglomerate or a coffee shop. In this case though, we’ll focus on the best location for a beauty salon.

Even if you offer high quality products, experienced technicians and a comforting lush environment for your customers, you will fail at running your business if you don’t have the right location to begin with.

Here, we focus on several factors you must considering when making your choice.

The Correct Exposure

The types of spaces you’ll find will come with their own list of pros and cons. For instance, if you choose a space in a shopping mall or any other high-traffic area, the location would come with a higher price tag. However, you wouldn’t have to spend as much on marketing. But if you choose an interior space, you may need to invest more in letting potential clients know that you’re actually there. Though, you will have the benefit of getting a better lease.

A Choice Neighborhood

Your neighbors can have a great impact on your customer base. For example, if you’ve opened a beauty salon next to a department store, or a health and fitness center, you’ll be more likely to get customers because of the heavy foot traffic.

But if you’ve chosen to open your salon next to a car repair shop, you probably won’t be able to attract your demographic, which brings us to our next point…

The Right Demographic

Opening a hair salon that specializes in various color treatments may not benefit you if your salon is in a retirement neighborhood.

When searching for a salon location, ask your real estate agent to run a search on basic information such as age, a male-to-female ratio, average income, population size etc. Then search for competing businesses in your area. Your location needs to be worth the effort you’re putting into finding it.

A Matter of Convenience

Think about it. Would a mother of two living in a suburban neighborhood want to visit your salon at the edge of town? Not likely.

Your location should be as hassle-free as possible for your customers. Otherwise lack of accessibility and a general sense of laziness may cause potential clients to forgo visiting your salon.

Choose a location that offers than just service, i.e. a good parking space. This factor of convenience will allow your customers to visit multiple times a month.


Finding the perfect location is perhaps one of the greatest challenges of owning a beauty salon business.

As a company that directs potential business owners who want to delve into the beauty industry, Salon Income Booster has the knowledge you need to make an educated decision. Allow us to guide you the right way.